04 Oct Weather Advisory: Watching Hurricane Matthew
*Weather Alert – Miami Carnival Committee monitoring Hurricane Matthew*

With Miami-Dade and Broward counties issuing a Tropical Storm watch into effect, the Miami Carnival committee is closely monitoring the watch to inform decisions about the status of the Miami Carnival activities this week. As of today, the 2016 Miami Carnival is still on schedule. We will continue to actively monitor the storm and share real time information from Miami-Dade and Broward counties.
Please continue to check our website www.miamibrowardcarniv al.com and Twitter @MiaBroCarnival for updates. The Miami Carnival is committed to announcing any decision to change operations to provide our patrons with sufficient planning lead time. Public safety is our number one priority when making weather decisions about this year’s Carnival activities. Thank you for your continued support in our annual cultural celebration.
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