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No written or spoken words can truly describe the joy of Carnival. You have to book your ticket and experience it for yourself. In Miami Carnival we have a product that has been labeled one of the best in North America, by many of our masqueraders, promoters and spectators! Our revelers, who are 70% women, enjoy a taste of safety and freedom blended with pristine South Florida weather, beaches and the multi-cultural backdrop of the Greater Miami and the Beaches area. This outdoor spectacle turns the Miami-Dade County Fair and Exposition Grounds into a live stage, parade route and concert venue; and during these days, you will find that a shift starts to happen in your spirit. At the end of our Carnival Days – the # 1 feeling is freedom of spirit.


In Miami Carnival we have a product that has been labeled one of the best in North America, by many of our masqueraders! Our revelers who are 70% women, enjoy a taste of safety and freedom. Then we have the pristine South Florida weather. Dancing in the outdoors to loud, soulful music, a shift starts to happen in your spirit. The sun, the rain, the music and the parade.

At the end of the day -at the end of our Carnival Days – the # 1 feeling is freedom of spirit, in the heat, with art in costume and music. That’s a beautiful combination of Wild and Free; and Safe. That’s the Sweet Spot.




Our Jr. Carnival Event is about the Children; about The Next Generation.

When you buy Tickets to this event you are Investing in our Future!

Jr. Carnival, or as it is better-known in the islands, “Kiddies Carnival” is where we introduce the next generation into the culture of mas and Carnival. It is an initiation that most never forget, and many go on to become the Future Leaders of this cultural festival.

We aim to empower children to discover their highest potential through artistry, dance and community in a collaborative environment that helps build confidence and teamwork, competition and comradery.  Children learn the importance of cooperation, while having fun. They learn how to become one voice and, through their shared experience, grow stronger as individuals and as a community.

Last year we were so excited to have the kids back on the road and they did not disappoint with Band Competition, Junior Steel Competition, Junior Soca Competition along with Junior King and Queen Competition.



Bring the iron! 🔥

The sweet sound of Steel Pan will change you forever!

CARNIVAL IS PAN the unique sound, that rises to a crescendo beating off an oil barrel with a history of its own, that has been sanded and shined to perfection into a mystical, musical instrument; created in the Caribbean islands by the slaves in times of strife, to ease their daily lives with music and mimicry. The sweet sound of pan hearkens us back always to its creators, and lifts us in music that is always exhilarating to the human spirit.

Get Tickets at and be part of North America’s sweetest, cultural, soca celebrations!
Get ready to be part of the Pan-O-Rama!

It is always a Night to Remember!



Following emancipation, the newly freed slaves took over Canboulay; And that is how we have J’ouvert!”

Traditionally, the celebration involves calypso/soca bands and their followers dancing through the streets. The secret to its difference to the Mas Day Parade is traditionally it starts before dawn and revelers dance into daylight with the rising of the sun, caked in mud, oil and other pasty materials. The head trip comes from the early morning rise, into messy, sweet costumes, out to the road for sweet soca and the incremental rise to its peak, a few hours after sunrise. It is boasted from some as the BEST PART of Carnival, which is a tall order, because ALL Carnival is Magnificent! Miami Carnival J’ouvert is not an event to miss.



Mas Bands are the heart and soul of carnival parades.

Short for Masquerader Band, Mas Bands are a creation of international designers and local Carnival Producers that form the cornerstone of any Carnival.

Artist Creations in costumes deliver a narrative to the heart and soul of carnival, lending relevance, design and story-telling to the phenomenon, along with music and community engagement. The final product is a work of art in motion, delivered through a human interactive experience.

These groups of parade-goers dance and ‘jump up’ in the parade together along with music loudly accompanying from a Live Music Truck moving along with the mas band.

Sometimes in one band, there may be up to thirty different types of Sections and more than three music trucks in a really large band. If you want to be part of the parade you can’t just show up in a beautiful costume of your choosing, you must pay to be part of the theme and the masquerade.