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To Our Miami Carnival Community

As the Miami Broward One Carnival Host Committee commences plans for October’s festivities, we have reflected upon our achievements. Yet, with that reflection, we also know that we are a work in progress and aspire to new heights for the next generation.

Over the last two years of the pandemic, we had the opportunity to reflect and listen more closely to our Miami Carnival community through social media and in other conversations. These engagements revealed that we needed a deeper dive with our community’s stakeholders and supporters.

With this goal in mind, on Thursday, June 9th from 6pm-9pm,we will launch a series of Carnival Voices community town hall conversations. The community event will generate new ideas to explore improvements to the future of the Miami Carnival ecosystem of leadership, mas experience, or cultural preservation and promotion.

This discussion will be online via our Facebook and Instagram. We intend to use this platform on an ongoing basis to engage with our Miami Carnival ecosystem stakeholders. We hope you will join us on the journey to recommit to listening, sharing, reimagining, and inspiring ideas for the collaborative shaping of the future of Miami Carnival.

This community town hall is not intended to be a session solely of complaints about Miami Carnival but, more importantly, aims to stimulate creativity and genuine conversations about how we can nurture and bolster the cultural integrity and impact of the Miami Carnival brand. We cannot host this conversation without your voice.

We value your ideas, expertise, and passion for this important community cultural tradition in South Florida.

We hope this community discussion will record and activate thoughts, ideas, and recommendations to improve the Miami Carnival experience, create a business environment for innovation and prosperity, and ensure an open environment for consistent mutual communication.

It’s an excellent time for us to think boldly and be open-minded. We can do this. Together.