18 Oct Miami Carnival Vibes
Carnival celebrations reigned supreme in southern Florida, USA, last weekend, even as Hurricane Matthew wrought havoc in Haiti, The Bahamas and along the east coast of Florida. Despite the danger of the storm nearby, thousands of Carnival lovers braved storm warnings and flight cancellations to assemble for the annual Miami carnival celebrations.
A multitude of fete-lovers attended the 20th annual Scruples’ “Block-O” in downtown Miami on Friday night, where ironically not a drop of rain was felt by these and other fete-thirsty patrons.
“It’s funny ‘cause we usually get a small shower in the wee hours of the morning during this event,” said promotional team member Irwin Lee,” and that cools the fete down nicely and gives the patrons more of a kind of a Jouvert/Carnival fete experience.
Source: Nigel Telesford|trinidadexpress.com
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