Carnival Mix

Carnival Mix

The Miami-Broward One Carnival Host Committee is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing a safe, family festival in South Florida and outlying areas, fostering community pride and civic involvement, and providing critical opportunities to the Caribbean people in South Florida to share the Caribbean culture, promote cultural exchange and build economic cooperation in the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural environment of South Florida.

Miami-Broward One Carnival Host Committee is the organization formed with representatives of two separate Caribbean Carnival organizations – Miami Carnival Inc. (founded in 1999) and Broward Caribbean Carnival Inc. (founded in 2005). Miami Carnival – an event that began in 1985 – has been held at various locations in Miami-Dade County every year since then. Broward Carnival – an event that started in 2003 – was held at various locations in Broward County every year until 2008. In 2009, the two organizations negotiated a Management Agreement which allowed for one Carnival to be held in Miami and Broward. The Kiddies Carnival is held in Broward in 2009. The two organizations came together under the name “Miami-Broward One Carnival Host Committee”; four representatives from both organizations were appointed to the Board. Articles of Incorporation for the new organization were filed and Bylaws were approved. After the 2011 Carnival, it was agreed that all Directors of the two umbrella organizations would be appointed to the Board. After the 2011 Carnival it was also agreed that the name of the Carnival would be changed to Miami Carnival.

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